Diagnostics expertise is our jam
We know your vehicle is essential to your life and the safety of your family. And when it breaks down, you need it back on the road as soon as possible — with the problem fixed right the first time.
Our master-level technicians are full trained and equipped to diagnose any system on your vehicle. So, relax! The next time you bring your vehicle into TuneTech Fairview, we'll be able to figure out what's going on and get you driving again.
Accurate vehicle diagnostics requires both training and resources
If you ever get the chance to ask any of our technicians about the training they receive, you may be surprised at how much knowledge and skill goes into diagnosing and repairing modern cars in Boise.
The engines in cars today are more and more powerful, and the fuel is efficient and reliable. This is all due to the modern miracle of engineering.
But the advances come at the price of simplicity. Modern cars are so much more complex, from a mechanical and electrical standpoint. Vehicles have several networked computers controlling most of the engine functions, as well as other aspects of the vehicle's operations.
Motorists take all of this sophistication for granted – but somebody has to fix it when it breaks, not matter the year, make, or model of the car.

Getting our customers back on the road requires a high level of commitment to high-quality training and resources from everyone here at Tune Tech Fairview.
In addition to on-going training, we also provide our team the resources, diagnostic and repair tools, and research databases they need to accurately and efficiently repair and maintain your vehicles.
What our customers are saying
Last Thursday I had an alternator replaced at Tune Tech on Fairview for $716.85.
Over the weekend I had a chance to review the bill. ($385 Parts, plus $240 Labor @ $160 per hour, for total $625) And tax = $23.10.
However, in addition, I had been charged $50 Shop Supplies and $18.75 Processing Fee, for a total of $68.75 or 11% of the repair total!
On Monday, I stopped by Tune Tech for an explanation of this 11% repair surcharge and spoke with the “owner”, John. I asked him to what Shop Supplies were needed and provided for this repair. None. (e.g. "Shop Rags. Wires, Grease")
If no shop supplies were specifically used for this repair, why was I charged $50. John stated this is “the cost of doing business” and went on a long rant. Evidently they do not do not track specific shop supply cost to specific repairs but allocate these costs to customers, whether any supplies were used or not, based on some allocation method which he could not explain.
I asked about $18.75 Processing Fee. Once again the “cost of doing business” rant. John stated that “all businesses up and down the street” are doing this as his justification. He could not explain how or from where the $18.75 amount was derived.
I asked if he felt charging a customer $50 for shop supplies when, in fact, no shop supplies were used? His answer was “Yes”. He also feels the unsubstantiated $18.75 Processing Fee is proper and rightly justified.
Obviously, the cost of doing business with Tune Tech is an additional 11%, or $68.75 in this case.
I do not like being charged for costs I did not incur or for fees that are unsubstantiated.